CEDMA Centro de Ediciones de la Diputación de Málaga

Ficha de la publicación

  • Birdwatching in Málaga. Along the great path.

  • Título:Birdwatching in Málaga. Along the great path.
  • Autor/es:
  • ISBN:978-84-7785-963-5
  • Referencia:11570
  • Edición:2015
  • Páginas:293
  • Dimensiones:14x21 cms.
  • Tarifa:15,00 EUR
  • Contiene:Bibliografía, Gráficos, Fotos, Ilustraciones, Planos
  • Colección:Fuera de Colección
  • Materia/s:Ecología. Medio Ambiente
  • Resumen:Birdwatching is an activity which is accessible to anyone and it
    can be a very gratifying way of getting closer to nature. The vivid
    colours, fascinating behaviour, diversity of life strategies, the
    ubiquity (try to imagine a place you can go to and not hear or see some
    sort of feathered species), the ability to fly.
    It is
    namely this ability to fly and to undertake long journeys which, in my
    humble opinion, gives birds their most fascinating and seductive
    characteristic, their unpredictability. Birds can turn up practically
    anywhere, but, will they? Which ones will you see? Will today be the day
    or your first Red-rumped Swallow of the year of the first Lesser
    Spotted Eagle of your life? For someone intent on enjoying nature,
    especially birding, the game never stops.

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